Messaging Channels — Africa

How to Use Bulk SMS for Promotions and Special Offers

Promotional bulk SMS is a cost-effective type of SMS sent by businesses to promote their products and services.

Thousands of businesses worldwide are looking for the best and most effective ways they can promote their businesses daily. With us is the most preferred solution that will perfectly match your business's needs to reach millions of customers worldwide. The solution you need is bulk SMS.

With Bulk SMS in your business, you will be offering your customers all sorts of messages you need to send them with assurance that they will be read due to its high number of opening rate being at 98%. Your promotional messages will get to as many people as you wish, and to add on that, it's less costly, meaning you won't have to spend much to send SMS to your customers. 

In this blog, we introduce you to bulk SMS as a tool for sending promotional and special offers messages, its benefits, how to write for your customers and more. Let's get right into it;

What is promotional bulk SMS?

Commonly used by people in business, promotional bulk SMS is a cost-effective type of SMS sent by businesses to promote their products and services while at the same time increasing their brand awareness.

Businesses looking for the easiest way to reach their customers, even those that have yet to subscribe to their services, can still send promotional messages through bulk SMS.

To keep customers aware of what offers a company may have, they would send them messages informing them of offers and discounts for their targeted audience since they aim to keep them updated.

 Not to forget how a business can measure and track its promotional SMS and campaigns to understand its effectiveness. Through tracking, companies can find out the number of audience opening their messages and the clicks they are getting.

How to send promotional bulk SMS messages

Introducing new products in the market is not easy, let alone new products but also if your brand is not well known. But with the right bulk SMS strategy plan in the picture, your problems are close to being solved, dusted, and forgotten. By sending out promotional messages, you will be boosting what you have, creating awareness for your brand, and more. 

Let's find out how you can send these promotional SMS and encourage the targeted audience to open and take action on your message below;

1. Define your goals

Know what you aim to achieve before getting stuck in unplanned programs. If your ultimate goal is to make sales or convince customers, then lean towards achieving that. Once you have found out what your messages are for, you will create the desired messages and send them to your targeted audience for them to take action.

2. Select the right channel.

After you know your goal, depending on what you want to achieve, you will be required to choose a channel you will be sending your bulk SMS to for them to reach customers. We have several channels you can use to send messages, such as;

  • Email marketing: If you are looking for the most effective way to send your customers tailored promotional messages, email marketing will be a great option. By creating an email list based on the customers' contacts and information received and segmenting them, you can send to each of them promotional messages as intended. 
  • Social media: Social media is the shortcut to reaching a large audience for your promotional messages. Promoting your products and services on social media will get your content viewed by many people leading to them taking action on what you are offering.
  • SMS messaging: SMS has proved to be the most common way of reaching many people and has at least a good chance of messages sent being opened and replied to. Consider personalizing your messages so that customers can quickly respond and get interested in chatting you. Ensure you have scheduled the right time to message prospects so that they can be received at a good time.
  • Print Ads: Create Ads that stand out to get customers' attention to what you offer them. Consider using print Ads such as magazines and newspapers to pass your promotional messages to prospective customers.

3. Upload contacts and send messages.

Upload the contacts you want to craft your messages to and send them the promotional SMS. You can segment them according to their interests, demographics, and genders to send them messages that are fully targeted to them specifically.

4. Monitor

Check to monitor the rate at which your bulk SMS are being opened and clicked on. This will give an idea of how your messages are performing, and if anything needs improvement, then you can proceed with readjusting them.

How to write compelling promotional messages

Crafting a promotional message is one of the most excellent tactics to get your audience to read and take action on your messages. Whether you are promoting your products and services or having special offers you want them to be aware of, SMS is the way to get their attention. Here are some tips you can use to create a compelling promotional SMS message;

1. Know your audience 

What's the aim of a business without knowing your customers? Knowing your audience, you can write them promotional messages that they can resonate with easily. This will help you know what they need from you so that you can provide them accordingly.

2. Keep it simple

Take the initiative to write concise promotional SMS that your targeted audience will easily understand. This is to avoid confusion and having too many texts and images that would be overwhelming for them to read.

3. Focus on benefits

Give people what they need by explaining the benefits they will receive from what you are offering them. Ensure you have mentioned what your products can solve and what they would achieve by using them.

4. Use a call to action CTA.

If you are promoting your products and service, it's only ideal to include CTA in your promotional message. This will push people to take action on what you are offering and get your products sold. Whether you promote them through social media or events, ensure you include a call to action that is easy to understand.

5. Test and adjust

Once you've created your promotional message and are ready to send it, ensure you've tested them to see how it would be received. You can try the A/B testing with different message versions to see how people respond. Focus on educating your targeted audience based on the benefits and other essential results they will get from your offers.

How to Use Bulk SMS for Promotions and Special Offers

Are you in business and looking for the cheapest way to promote your products and services? Bulk SMS is the best solution for you. To get what you are promoting, reach out to as many audiences as you can with the special offers you have for your services. Here are some of the ways you can use bulk SMS for promotion and special offers;

1. Offer discounts

A great way to win over customers and make them loyal is by sending them discounted offers on your products and services through bulk SMS services. By sending them these messages, you will encourage them to purchase.

2. Send reminders

You can use bulk SMS to send customers reminders of upcoming events you are hosting, and they would be notified which may lead to an increase in their attendance to your invite.

3. Announce new products

By sending messages to your customers, create a buzz over new products you want to promote through bulk SMS. This will help make people interested in what you have to offer them through what you want to launch.

4. Host competitions

Running competitions for your audience to participate in is a great way to boost your customer's loyalty. This is because through the competitions held, they will be able to get rewards, and at the same time, you will get more engagements.

Frequently asked questions (FAQS)

What are the benefits of promotional bulk SMS messages?

Your business greatly benefits from using bulk SMS to send promotional messages. Here are some of the benefits you'll earn by using the SMS services;

1. Cost-effective

The good thing about bulk SMS is the fact that it is cheap, and business owners can use them on as many customers as they wish without being charged extra costs.

2. Reach a wider audience

Promotional bulk SMS can be used to send many messages to different customers. It is an excellent form of sending messages since many people can get them and respond.

3. High open rate

Since most people use SMS daily, sending them promotional messages is the way to go. Ensure that you send them relevant messages that interest them in opening them.

4. Personalization

Segment your contacts so that you can send them personalized messages that specifically target them. This will increase the urge for customers engagements and boost sales.


Using bulk SMS for promotions and special offers is the best way to go if you want to showcase what you have to a wider audience. With bulk SMS being a cheap communication tool, businesses can primarily benefit from them and increase their sales while promoting their content to prospective customers.

Related: Bulk SMS in Kenya

Last updated
October 3, 2024
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