Business Tips & Tools — Africa

Best email marketing software 2023

Email marketing software enables businesses to create and send tailored messages to their subscribers.

At least a good number of people worldwide have registered with an email account they receive messages on. Some are individual users, while others are companies and private businesses. Most businesses prefer emails as a communication channel tool with their customers. 

What is email marketing software?

In this article, we focus our attention on email marketing software to better our understand of what it entails. We will begin by defining what it is and what it does. 

Email marketing software enables businesses to create and send tailored messages to their subscribers. By using the software, users can get well put together messages, whether for promotional purposes or follow ups. Most companies can also track and check their click through rate and open rate of the emails sent to their subscribers. 

Most companies have included email marketing automation tools such as Mailchimp in their systems which give them an easy time creating and sending out emails to the rightful recipients at the right time. Through that, they have been able to avoid common mistakes and thus see an improvement in their customer retention rate. Not only will the software improve your customer's retaining ability, but also has assisted in maintaining a happy relationship with them.

How does email marketing software work

As we both know, email marketing is one of the most effective channels of communication you can use to market your business. It will help you with lead generation and create brand awareness through your products from the collected email lists. Let's look at how this email marketing software works down below;

  1. Integration

Did you know that you can combine your email marketing software with other social media platforms? This will enable your products and promotional campaigns to grow and, at the same time, reach out to a large number of prospects. 

  1. Automation

Through automation that comes as a package with your email marketing software, your job will be easy since you can schedule the time you want them sent and simplify your work. We both know how running a campaign can get tiresome at times, but with automation, you are one step ahead of the game.

  1. Personalization

You can avoid mistakes that lead to customer churns through email marketing software. With a personalization feature, you will be able to send your emails to the correct recipients based on their data provided. 

  1. Track performance

You will be able to track your analytics and see the progress. You can enable monitoring to know how you are performing and how your customers engage with your promotional content, whether they are unsubscribing or how many open rates you have.

How to choose email marketing software

When going for email marketing software, you must consult with yourself or experts on which software will work best for you. With us are a few factors you might want to put into consideration as follows;

  1. Research for a favorable option

The best step you need to take before anything else is to conduct research. Know what the market has to offer and the amount the software is going out for instead of going for something that wouldn't favor your pocket or rather be budget friendly. Also, you need to research which software will work exceptionally well with the type of email content you want to send to your customers.

  1. Features

Develop a list of email marketing software features you envision having in your company. Once you have determined this, you can purchase them confidently. Some of the features to be checked might include If it supports A/B testing, automation, among other editing features that will make your email campaign easy to manage.

  1. Go for user friendly software

Don't opt for hard-to-use software. Instead, go for those ones that won't confuse your team members, even if they are used to them. Sometimes going for an easy to use will save you lots of time and complications.

  1. Test the software with your team

Something good always comes out of testing, and that is incredible results! Try out with your team and see which software will work well with you and the customers or subscribers you want to send these emails to. You can run tests and send them to each other in different settings to see what they can do. 

Best email marketing software 2023

People in businesses are always on the lookout for ways to improve their email marketing campaigns, and with us are some of the best email marketing software lists you can check out as follows;

  1. Mailchimp

MailChimp will be ideal for you if you are going for an email marketing software that will provide great automation and help you track your campaigns. It has excellent features that you will find as a great package, such as A/B testing, that will give your business faster conversion and sales rates since you will be able to notice which test performs best compared to the other.

  1. Sendgrid

Sendgrid comes well-packed with an excellent ability for email deliverability purposes to send your customers' messages in no time. It is incredible when it comes to delivering email at the preferred set time and will help you know how your email campaign is performing. Sendgrid has a lot to offer with unique features that will do you great while using it. It is also a preferred marketing software for developers because it has a feature to design an email using a code editor.

  1. Hubspot

If you are searching for free email marketing software, then Hubspot is ideal for you. It has fantastic features that will help you with your email marketing process without necessarily needing a developer to help you through. The best thing about Hubspot software is that it's CRM powered, meaning your emails are based from your customers' data.

  1. Zoho

If you want to connect with customers through personalized messages with email automation qualities, then Zoho would be what you are looking for. You can sign up with them for effective email marketing campaigns. Zoho has features that support mobile optimization, link tracing, and URL validation, among other amazing features you can receive from them.

  1. Drip

If you are going for software that supports E-commerce marketing automation, then Drip is the right now for your brand. It has excellent features such as visual workflow drag and drop builder and split testing performance tracking, among other unique features you can get from their site.


Email marketing software is essential to all brands looking to develop effective email marketing campaigns. If you haven't got yourself one, then waste no time by checking out the software mentioned above and getting the best that will suit your needs based on their unique features.

Last updated
June 12, 2024
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