Business Tips & Tools — Africa

Founder Stories: Discipline > Motivation.

Many a time I have heard people blame their failure on motivation. As an entrepreneur, I wish I had a magical motivation tap that I could turn on and off whenever I wanted. If it wasn’t for the motivation high, I doubt I would have ever started a company.

Discipline > Motivation.

Many a time I have heard people blame their failure on motivation which I'd say was definitely not the case. As an entrepreneur, I wish I had a magical motivation tap that I could turn on and off whenever I wanted. If it wasn’t for the motivation high, I doubt I would have ever started a company. The problem is, during the high, you feel like Elon Musk. Nothing can stop you. You are ready, and you believe you will win. But what always goes up must come down, and when you are off the high, the hangover can kill you.

Motivation is that outsiders think it's the critical element that keeps you running. When they see you wake up every day to do the same thing repeatedly, they ask you not where you get the discipline, the grit, the energy but rather where you get the motivation?

I have always been interested in getting my body to be capable of bending and twisting at will. I am fascinated at how gymnast can spin their bodies in the air or how Karate or Taekwondo get to fearless jump in the air, twist and kick. Looking at my body, I know I have to change and become fit. To do so, I need to join a gym and train hard for an extended period before doing so. So in February 2016, I joined a gym and….. I did not renew my membership in March. Ironically, I started training my body to accept the opposite. I would tell myself and people around me that I wanted to be a chubby kid when I was a kid. I had the motivation, I lacked the discipline.


Am I disciplined? I doubt. One thing I am happy about is that now I know what I lack. The problem is to learn discipline, you need to be disciplined.

To get started, I picked a single objective. This will be my score tracker. The objective is to dedicate myself to writing a post weekly for 52 weeks ( 1 year). I am currently on my third week and already struggling. However, discipline dictates that no matter what, I have to deliver.


Last updated
June 12, 2024
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