Messaging Channels — Africa

How to Get Creative with Bulk SMS for Mashujaa Day

Mashujaa Day is a Kenyan national holiday marked to celebrate all the heroes and heroines that contributed to fighting for Kenyans' independence.

Don't kill the spirit of Mashujaa Day with boredom; instead, celebrate it by sharing a message or a word about your business through bulk SMS services. Everything good comes with these SMS application up and running in your business system. Bulk SMS is a game changer in the Kenyan business industries, from small to large business owners, since it allows them to interact with many customers cheaply per SMS sent.

In this article, we take you through bulk SMS and the greatness it can serve your business, from its benefits to examples and more. Let's get right into it below:

What is Mashujaa Day, and how can it work with Bulk SMS?

Mashujaa Day is a Kenyan national holiday marked to celebrate all the heroes and heroines that contributed to fighting for Kenyans' independence from the hands of colonial rule. The day does not only celebrate the heroes who fought to bring freedom but also the heroes we meet daily in our lives that bring about changes.

But how can businesses celebrate these heroes from the police, cleaners, and other customers who have made their businesses boom? Well, the answer is through bulk SMS. 

With many people being celebrated on this special day, taking advantage of the bulk SMS services would save us a lot of time and simplify our work. This is because bulk SMS services allow you to schedule and automate messages that you want them delivered at an instant rate during the Mashujaa day.

Make the day special by sending your customers or any other group of people you think are your heroes with SMSs and track the results to know if your messages were opened.

How to get creative with bulk SMS for Mashujaa Day

When it comes to marketing or doing business, it takes creativity and effort to be unique. Know different tactics which you can use to text your large group of heroes and customers during the Mashujaa Day celebration. Here's how you can do that;

1. Create hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to promote your business and create brand awareness. Consider creating hashtags that support the Mashujaa Day celebration to get your customers to use them when sharing their heroes' stories. This will allow them to promote your business through their viewers, and you might find your next customers on their timelines.

2. Host competitions

Consider creating engagement for your business by encouraging customers to post about the people they consider their Mashujaa heroes and their reasons, among other factors that would turn out to be heart-touching. This way, you can easily choose winners you feel their stories touched everyone's hearts and gift them. 

3. Offer discounts

It's always important to consider making holiday celebrations such as Madaraka Day special by offering discounts on your products and services. More customers would be interested in purchasing once they notice you have an offer or discounts, boosting your sales and revenue income.

4. Create videos

Create memorable videos featuring real Heroes that made Kenya proud and share them with your customers to create engagements and emotionally connect with them. This will be a great deal for sharing your SMS messages with them to support Mashujaa Day.

How to increase engagement levels on Mashujaa Day with bulk SMS

Increasing business engagement is necessary for any business looking for success and driving sales. With us are some tips on how you can increase your engagement level during Mashujaa Day:

1. Host competitions

Increase your engagement level on Madaraka Day by hosting competitions with winners being gifted and offered giveaway hampers. This will be a good way to get people to participate and show interest in your business.

2. Send them SMSs

Ensure that you send customers messages that are relevant and precisely tailored to them. You can include relevant Mashujaa messages, events, and activities supporting the celebration.

3. Utilize multimedia content

Consider using visuals in your content, such as videos and audio clips that will get many people interested in viewing your message. This will allow them to engage with your Madaraka Day message, as most people prefer visuals over words for a change.

4. Ask for feedback

Get customers' opinions by messaging them to understand better what to include in your content and provide them with a platform to voice their opinions. Provide them with feedback and share their thoughts on Mashujaa Day on your social media pages.

5. Offer incentives

Surprise your customers and other prospects by offering them with incentives such as discounts, vouchers, and freebies to those who respond to your messages. Through the incentives offered, you will be able to recieve a great engagement with them through your SMS campaigns.

 How to make your Mashujaa Day messages stand out with bulk SMS

 Make your customer's Mashujaa Day celebration special by crafting messages that will stand out and win their interest. Here are some tips on how you can make your messages stand out:

1. Personalize Your Messages 

Consider personalizing messages sent to customers to give them an impression that you care about them. Through personalization, customers would feel more valued and want to engage with you more often. You can personalize their messages by including their names and other details related to them. 

2. Include CTAs

Ensure that all your SMS messages have a call-to-action (CTAs) that will encourage your audience to take action on your messages. You can include links as your CTA that once clicked, it would take them to your websites or direct them to your special offers.

3. Use visuals

Consider including visuals that support heroes and heroines in your messages to appreciate their importance while sending the messages to your contacts. You can include videos and images of people you consider heroes in your SMSs that will help your Mashujaa Day message stand out.

4. Keep them short and sweet.

Keep your messages short and sweet. That will make your customers interested in reading them without feeling disinterested. This will assure you that your messages will be delivered quickly and that your recipients can read them instantly and easily without having to scroll on too many pages to get the point.

Examples of Mashujaa Day bulk SMS messages sent to customers

Here are some of the messages you can craft for your customers during the Mashujaa Day celebration;

1. "We celebrate and honor this Mashujaa Day our heroes and heroines who worked hard to bring us freedom! "

2." Happy Mashujaa Day to all our esteemed customers! We wish to celebrate and honor this day with a 50% OFFER on all our products! Come one, come all!

3. "This Mashujaa Day, we take time to recognize and thank our nation's heroes and heroines! Shop with us with a special code and win a voucher and discount offers for all our products."


Mashujaa Day is an important day of celebration in Kenya, and businesses looking for an effective way to get creative and reach out to their customers during the celebration time can achieve that with bulk SMS services. Keep your customers engaged by offering them special offers and discounts that will encourage them to shop with you. Bulk SMS is a great way to stay connected with your customers and make them feel special during the holiday season.

Last updated
June 12, 2024
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