Business Tips & Tools — Africa

How to create social media reports

A social media report gives a complete overview of your social platform account data showing their performance.

If you know how to build your social media, then you must understand that for it to be complete, you need a social media report included. These platforms are the best places for companies to generate leads, but without a good plan, all efforts put can go down the drain quickly. 

A report should always be part of your marketing plan if you want to be successful. They are there to give you an overview of how to strategically plan your business for a happy ending. 

In this article, we dig in deep to understand the social media report as fellows;

  • What is a social media report?
  • Reasons why social media reports are important
  • What should be included in social media reports?
  • Conclusion

What is a social media report?

A social media report gives a complete overview of your social platform account data showing their performance. The report should provide insight into which areas your team can focus on if they are not doing so well and how they can bring them to the top performance table. 

The data that's on your social media report should be recorded for the right audience since not all reports for departments within an office area would look the same. This should be carried out and presented to the right team for them to know their performance and the areas they must work on for better results.

Reasons why social media reports are important

Social media reports are essential to every company because, through their findings, you can devise plans and ideas to meet customers' expectations and avoid churning. With us are some of the reasons why you need to have a social media report;

  1. Performance tracking

Social media reports help us track our performances across all our social media platforms, whether on Facebook or Instagram. This tracking allows us to analyze data and metrics such as likes, shares and such on your social media platform. This will help identify areas that need tweaking for them to be improved.

  1. Track engagement

By conducting a social media report, you can track your engagement on each platform based on the content you are giving people. You will be able to figure out which account engagements are down and wanting so that you can boost them up with storming ideas to get them up and actively running.

  1. Track social insights

Through a social media insights report, you will manage to learn and understand your customers and their feedback gained from your social platforms. Businesses can gain these insights by analyzing and observing their customer's behaviors and interests, enabling them to develop an excellent social media strategy.

  1. Measure ROI

You should be able to know your social media return on investments (ROI) in order to get an idea of your digital marketing efforts for activities such as marketing campaigns. If it's performing poorly, the data collected can help create room for improvement for better results outcome and put good use to resources.

What should be included in social media reports?

Creating content for social media needs a lot of effort for you to develop an effective plan that would work towards achieving a company's goal. Your social media report must include little detail about what your audience wants to hear from you. But first, what should be included in these reports? Let's find out down below;

  1. Engagements

Marketers should best identify all their social media platforms based on how people engage with them. This will help tell who relates to what they are promoting and their reactions. Gathering these reports will help them come up with effective marketing campaigns and strategies to execute for better results. They would also have an idea of the number of people who are engaging with their posts daily.

  1. Overall reach

Posting on your social media accounts regularly has a good impact on your social pages. Through conducting a social media report, you will be able to have an idea of the number of people your content has reached out to. You will know which kind of content performs well and if so, on which social media sites they are doing well.

  1. Conversions

Your social media posts should always be carefully executed to have people take action on them. Know what's interesting and how you can post them so that it can push people into clicking and visiting your platform while taking actions such as buying them.

  1. Audience demographics

Knowing your audience demographic and including it in your social media report is good since it will help you understand your followers. You can separate them in terms of gender, age, and sex just to develop a rough idea of who is who on your social media page and what content would benefit them to the core.

How to create social media reports

Knowing how to create your social media report will help you accomplish so many things for your business. With us are a few steps you can take while at it to better your social media report as follows;

  1. Know your audience

Determine which audience your report is mainly addressed to. It could be your turn to present it to your boss or colleagues in different departments. Ensure you have created a report that would represent each party well.

  1. Collect reports

Gather and collect reports on each social media platform that will be of use to your company. These reports could come in handy in times of setting future goals that would benefit your company. In order to have them suitable, ensure that your report gathered are factual and that the metrics will help your business.

  1. Analyze your data

After completing your data collection, ensure you have broken them down for a better understanding. Create a social media report that your company would use to make goals that they can focus on.

  1. Present your report

Once you are done with analyzing and creating a well-compiled report, you can try to present it to the relevant stakeholders. This is to give them a clear view of what your report has and what more you have in your findings for solutions.


Social media reports are one of the most valued plans in a company that has proved effective over the years. There are many types of free social media templates that could be used to track and analyze data on social media sites. Even though some aspects of the reports may vary and change with time, analyzing and recording them would be helpful if you are looking forward to achieving your company's' goals.

Last updated
October 2, 2024
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