Business Tips & Tools — Africa

How to increase sales through marketing funnel analysis

The sales funnel is a customer's journey, from interacting with your brand to buying your products.

Imagine what a business would look like without producing sales. Alas! The dream of every business-oriented person is to see their products off their shelves so they can restock them back in even more. The idea of customers not buying your products, would lead you into deep stress and have you questioning your ability as an entrepreneur. But gone are the days when we had problems and let them slide without looking for solutions, in this marketing era, we go for answers.

Whether you are looking for ways to get your products sold or acquire consumers, consider your problem solved as we get you focused on our rich entailed article that will make you increase your sales as stated down below;

  • What is a marketing sales funnel?
  • Reasons why you need a sales funnel
  • Sales funnel marketing strategy
  • How to increase your sales through market analysis
  • Conclusion

What is a marketing sales funnel?

Before going any further to the marketing part, I will begin by letting you understand the terms sales funnel, which sometimes, may also be referred to as the customer's purchase journey. This is from the point a customer gets to know your brand to when they decide to buy your products. Usually, they'd go through a process leading to them checking out what you are offering, the services before they could make a purchase. 

Reasons why you need a sales funnel 

As a person investing in your business, you should always consider the sales funnel as a significant factor your business needs. Various businesses need sales to funnel for multiple reasons, and with us are some you need to know as stated down below;

  1. Create relationships with customers

Through the sales funnel, you can build trust and create relationships with prospects who want to be associated with your services. Marketing your products to them for them to make purchases and have them subscribe to your services would be ideal for business. They would honestly give their reviews based on what they got from you which would lead them to feeling comfortable and consulting where they feel the need to.

  1. Increase leads and orders

Through a sales funnel, you will be able to identify who your leads are and this will push you towards working hard to convince them to purchasing your products. It will be through your expertise that these conversions would be achievable. You can include different marketing tactics that would lead them into buying and subscribing to your products and services.

  1. Track and measure success

With a sales funnel in place, you will be able to track and measure your success to the point of knowing what works for you and whatnot so that you can remove them from your TO-DO list. You will be able to benefit through this and also bring in new tweaks into your marketing plan to improve areas that need changes.

  1. Understand your customers'

As much as you are happy making sales, you should also try to understand those you are selling them to better. You can run surveys or polls in your marketing campaigns that will promote your products. Come up with good quality products and services that customers will be more interested in.

Sales funnel marketing strategy

A sales funnel marketing strategy is a tactic marketers use to plan how they can convince leads to become loyal paying customers to their products and services. Marketers can come up with marketing tools for sales funnel that will bring them good sales and cash at the same time. 

 There can be different strategies set by different companies when it comes to marketing strategies. Some would go for a Marketing funnel conversion rate for leads, while others would go for sales as long as they both have sales plans for execution.

How to increase your sales through market analysis 

Keeping an eye on your business will continually support and benefit you, no matter how long it takes you to get there. Keeping tabs on your sales marketing funnel and monitoring how it is coming along will bring you more gains than losses. With us are some of the proven ways you can use to increase your sales through market analysis as follows;

  1. Analyze your market

A good market analysis is an important starting point for any business. Make good use of people around you or those you are targeting, and make a step by engaging them with your business related activities. Understanding their needs and pain points will determine on whether your business will be of help to them or not. Get hold of these factors beforehand and create your business plan based on them. Through a market analysis, you will for sure be able to make great sales.

  1. Know your competition

In this game, you aim at making sales and winning customers over, in order to do achieve that, you should know who your competitors are. Make an effort to understand what your competitors are doing wrong so that you can implement in your new plans and measures based on what consumers are missing out on. Offer them new solutions instead of what they are used to.

  1. Plan your ultimate goal

It is your business and what matters most is seeing it performing well with many consumers making their moves on your products. But how far can a company go without planning goals? Nowhere, ensure you have set goals that you and your team can focus on. This goals should be able to bring you good results you are searching for in return.

  1. Leverage social media 

Your potential customers are on social media platforms. Make sure you are making good use of these sites well. With a target on what you want to give them, be sure to check and follow them to sell what you can for an increased sales.

  1. Monitor your progress

It will only feel right if you put your efforts into monitoring your business progress than leaving what you could have done right go wrong. Sometimes monitoring can save you lots of time and money in cases whereby you have to hire extra people to fix issues. 


Your sales funnel in marketing should be among your top priorities because your business depends on it. If you are looking for ways to beat each competitor you might find in the business world, then you should always know where the secret to success lies. Always aim to be one step ahead, be a boss at your own marketing game, and remain undefeated forever.

Last updated
June 12, 2024
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