Business Tips & Tools — Africa

Most profitable products to sell in Kenya-online marketing

E-commerce has simplified the lives of many Kenyans with the provision of their services both locally and internationally.

E-Marketing has enabled entrepreneurs to work through their alternative goals in the comfort of their own homes. If you are an entrepreneur searching for ideas to execute your production sales, then look no further as we provide you with the tips you need;

  • Why sell online?
  • Importance of selling products online
  • Reasons why most online businesses fail in Kenya
  • Best products to sell online in Kenya
  • Conclusions

Why sell online?

As an entrepreneur, there must be many questions that run through your mind when you want to start a business, right? Some could be which kind will be profitable to sell. Or what is the most profitable thing to sell online? The answer and decision will always be with you once you have figured out the necessities you need, then you can commence your journey. 

Most businesses in Kenya have turned to the digital way of selling their products. People find this system more convenient as they don't have to show up to the stores in person physically. Businesses with websites have gained more supportive customers that purchase their products. For starters, setting up a web page for your products with a business profile that can lead customers to you is always important.

Importance of selling products online

Here are the reasons why you should consider introducing your products online;

  • Massive following

Your business should at least have a good number of people who are familiar with what you are selling in order to buy. You can have a physical store but still want more customers reaching out to you and social media should make that possible. You are introducing your business to the world, attracting many followers searching for the same products and services.

  • Less costly

Have you ever noticed how online businesses need less funding and how? It is less costly to have your business online than it is on a physical level. You can sell your products and store them in your house without necessarily having to pay extra for a storage place. 

  • Social media is for marketing

With online marketing, you are just one click away from gaining more customers and experiencing product sales. Apart from that, you will gain new supporters that will positively impact your business. Through clients sharing and rating your items, your chances of selling and having exposure can lead you to people from other areas.

  • Work from anywhere

Imagine working from your bed, just you and your laptop, without interruptions from people staring and thinking you have gone nuts. With a solid internet connection, you can virtually connect with your customers and meet their needs without walking long distances.

  • Minimal time wastage

 Kenyan traffic can be hectic at times. You wouldn't want to keep a client waiting longer for you to get to the store, whereas you can sell online what they want. There is minimal time taken when you engage through online marketing channels compared to traveling.

Reasons why most online businesses fail in Kenya

Some people are always afraid of starting their online business for various reasons known to themselves. We have come up with some of the reasons as to why your business might fail down below;

  • No cash flow

Entrepreneurs will have a good investment plan for their business, but things take a turn when no return or sales is being made. Chances are, they might be forced to step down as they can't support their online business when there's no money to empower it.

  • Little investments

Setting up a business online will need lots of funding. From creating your web page from scratch and setting it up, you will be required to chip in more money than you know. You will most likely be stuck with less cash if you have no plans for investors to fund your business.

  • Tough competition

It's an online business, and many people sell what you have for the crowd. You will be considered defeated if you do not know the tactics to make your products unique and selling. Do you have the guts to sustain the competition and lift your business? You will be competing against so many big companies, and your business will be doomed if you are not strong enough.

  • Lack of patience

If there's one thing that you should be aware of about businesses, it is the fact that they require patience. If one can't discipline themselves enough and persevere, then your business might sink.

Best products to sell online in Kenya

What unites Kenyans more than the power of social media? This is a platform you will post your products sooner or later and will get to sell online. We can briefly examine some of the products you can opt for.

  • Foodstuff

If you are interested in catering, advertising your foodstuff online will bring traffic to your page. Ensure to take good quality pictures illustrating your product and captions for them to sell online. You can also use reels on Instagram to make videos on some simple processes letting them know what ingredients you are using or how you are preparing them.

  • Gym equipment

There is a high percentage of people working out through their fitness journey. If you have enough equipment to sell online, you will surely get fitness enthusiasts purchasing them. Reach out to them and be sure to sell them at a reasonable price. Your equipment should not only target gymers as some people prefer working out from home and would need them.

  • Mobile phone and accessories

When it comes to phones and accessories, users are always on sites such as Jumia to check on incredible deals and offers they have. Try to get new items on your page and post them with prices for easy purchases. Introduce the type of phones and their specifications to provide more information before purchasing them. The same applies to accessories, as you will have given them detailed information based on their functionality. You can partner with companies such as Jiji and have them post some of your products on their sites in order to get more customers.

  • Clothing

We both know the struggles of physically going to the market for specific outfits and how hard it is to find an exact match. Ever wondered why most people that sell clothes have a big following? Most people with clothes on their pages are good with fashion and have a nice way of presenting them in pictures. 

Not everyone likes the hustle of going to stores or markets to buy new clothes. With the right measurements, people will purchase clothes online since they can see details and choose ones of their liking. If you are looking for a company to look out for ideas and inspirations, you can check MRP online and see how their page is placed for formats and styles.

  • Health products

Always think a step ahead when it comes to health related businesses. Research the weak and strongholds of your specialty area, then set up your online store. You can run a chemist that operates off working hours and late nights in case of late orders and emergencies. Have a page that engages people with coupons to encourage more buyers. Get yourself extra door to door medicines based on their prescription.

  • Beauty products

Have you seen the number of people following beauty stores? With the likes of big brands such as Lintons Beauty, I'm sure you would be motivated to see how much customers love beauty products. In situations where most people have invested in skin care, you are most likely to reach your target audience faster than you can imagine. Your website will have many people following up to see what's compatible with their skin types. From easy to apply face masks to foundations, you will have incorporated a must follow skin routine store for online users searching for solutions. 

  • Pieces of jewelry

A Lot of people love accentuating their looks with jewelry. If you are an expert, you can offer them ideas that complement their attires. With styling tips and illustrations, you will have many people following your site. There is always someone struggling with their fashion, and this will be your chance to give them ideas through your products online.


It is safe to say online services offered on websites have helped transform the lives of many Kenyans. Life has been simplified with easy processes that could have cost us a lot of money and time through online marketing. 

To begin your marketing journey, try and figure out what type of products can you sell online in Kenya, and how it will benefit you. You can buy products on many shopping sites at wholesale prices and resell them to your buyers. Give your business a chance today and watch your products sell online effortlessly!

Last updated
June 12, 2024
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