Business Tips & Tools — Africa

New year’s eve 2023 - must try out businesses ideas

New Year's Eve celebrations usually happen on the night of the 31st of December at exactly the 00 hours of the 1st of January.

 Most of us want to step out of 2022 as quickly as possible and ring the new year on a new and high note. If you are looking for ways, you are in the right place. 

Our article is meant for you. Sit back and relax as we bring you all you need for "new years eve" down below;

  • What's the reason behind the new years eve celebrations?
  • Best business ideas to try out on new year’s eve 2023
  • Conclusion

What's the reason behind the new years eve celebrations?

Most people are always waiting for this day as it marks the beginning of a new era for them. As we both know, after Christmas, many people's minds have already switched to what’s next which is new year's eve. But why are people always looking forward to celebrating new years eve? Let's find out;

  • Even though it's just like any other year or day of the month, to most people, the new year marks the beginning of a new life journey. This is when people will start planning their vision boards in readiness to start fresh and reformed.
  • Most people celebrate their set life achievements from the beginning of an old year to a new one. Some may have upgraded their life during the year even though their experiences were quite challenging.
  • For some, new years eve is a blessing. Having their loved ones around them experience a new beginning is their wish. Most of them will be happy to be alive and ushered in a new year.
  • People would celebrate New Year's Eve because it is a tradition they are used to from long ago and would still want to keep the celebration spirit high.

Best business ideas to try out on new year's eve 2023

There are many businesses that one can profit from during new years eve. Think about how it's a new year, not so many people want to stress themselves with work as the day is already free-spirited. Let's look at some of these ideas and hope you can put them to work;

  1. Event planning

For most people, it's a celebration day, and some would prefer hosting important events to be premiered for new year's sake. You can set up your event planning business if you are a pro by giving people your business cards and advertising just in case someone wants to host a large group of people in their area. Many love partying, and with a great even planner person in place, the night would be a good choice. Worry not if you are new to this type of business. You can still read on how to start event planning services for guidance.

  1. Catering

Nothing beats the feeling of just sitting and trying out new foodstuff from the best catering company. If you are great with catering services and know how to make finger-licking meals, this will be your chance to shine. What people want is good and well made food for this season. And will definitely go for the best catering companies. Ensure that your group of suppliers are clean because no one wants to suffer from diarrhea after ingesting food prepared by you.

  1. Cleaning services

As small as it seems, cleaning services are significant work for people. Think about how people have been in party mode from Christmas, hosting, and all that, then cleaning up will always be hectic. Keeping people's places clean is the way to go and will serve a great purpose for their own sake. Ensure whatever work you deliver to them is sparkly clean so that they can recommend you to their friends and families.

  1. Decluttering services

The most underrated job, but it is worth a try. We both know how tiring and time-consuming it takes to declutter unwanted items from one place to another. As much as we are celebrating a new year, we would want to throw out old and unneeded items from our houses to make them clean and spacious. 

People want to hire professionals from decluttering companies such as KejaMove to help root out what's not wanted for the new year. Start marketing yourself to people by creating social media ADs, letting them know about your services.

  1. Drop shipping

If you are an entrepreneur with a fully set up website online and selling, then drop shipping could be your real deal. Gone are the days people used to go physically to buy decorative items or even simple house shopping physically in the supermarket. Showcase products online and market them according to the New Year's Eve celebration. Most people ordering and delivering these products could greatly benefit you.

  1. Personal shopper

Have you thought about being a personal shopper to people? Think about how not everyone is meant to work for themselves. Others have limited time and may need someone's help to push through their day. Learn skills and styles on what you want, then go for it like a pro. If you are good with fashion, let them know you are a fashionista, doing everything fashion related.

  1. Personal chauffeur

Sometimes while in celebration mode, most people want to sit back and watch themself being driven around. Driving sometimes may be tiresome with all the fun from drinking and driving with your friends, and hiring a chauffeur for the night would be ideal for you as you sit back like a boss and go to places without worrying.


Make this New Year's Eve memorable with fantastic ideas that will improve the whole of 2023. Master your business and let everyone see the results so they can judge for themselves. Set up social media accounts to market yourself and allow them to leave reviews to see areas you need to improve.

Last updated
June 12, 2024
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