Business Tips & Tools — Africa

How businesses use social media for marketing

Social media marketing refers to an online social platform marketers use to introduce their products to the world.

Social media entails people showcasing their professionalism and creativity in different ways. If you need to drive more traffic to your website, this is the right place for you. In this section, we are introducing you to the following;

  • How social media marketing works for businesses
  • Reasons for social media marketing
  • Steps to follow while creating a social media marketing account
  • Types of social media marketing platforms
  • Conclusion

We provide you with updated steps and guidelines that most successful companies have gone through. From big firms such as Safaricom to KPLC, you will be shocked to find that most of their growth secret has been through social media marketing.

Research has proved that gone are the days people only used these sites for socialization, as there is a higher percentage of users promoting their businesses at large. From the bird app Twitter to YouTube, among many others, entrepreneurs have resorted to social media to display their expertise. 

With social media platforms to advertise content, businesses can optimize clients' reach on their sites despite the tough competition faced through online marketing. With the awareness of these sites, a brand can achieve its alternative goals through interactions.

How social media marketing works for businesses

With social media, you have to be familiar with how it works and how you can promote your brand through various platforms. It helps up your sales game and through that, your business can make more money from buyers. You can always promote your page through various company sponsorships and other social media campaigns that will improve your algorithm.

As an entrepreneur fighting for your brand, you should be able to create SEO friendly posts that will prove your content visibility to people. Online marketing will help boost your credibility hence you will be able to gain a client's trust.  

You can engage your clients with exciting activities. They can be put in the form of question tags asking them for their opinions and views about your products to see their reactions. With these, you will get buyers' feedback and give them high-quality products. Try to improve your presence by being active and posting updated content so they can know what's new and what's not.

Aim for hashtags while posting, as this will helps with the possibilities of your product reaching out to new customers. You can be creative and consistent on your business platform, which will be helpful. Decide when to post your content. Depending on your followers, it could be at a specific time of the day or night.

Reasons for social media marketing 

You probably know what it takes to have your products sell until it depletes, and that's the joy of every entrepreneur. We have some important reasons why you need to e-market your business.   

  • Trust 

You can earn trust between you and your customers since your platform is active and trustworthy. With lots of engagement and follow ups, a customer will manage to put their confidence in you. 

  • Relationships

While marketing your brand and showcasing your offers, you can build a relationship with your customers. They can freely communicate with you, whether online or offline, regardless.

  • Attain new clients 

Social media marketing lets you fetch clients worldwide since your products are visible to them. They can make orders from a place of their convenience without having to show up physically.

Steps to follow while creating a social media marketing account

Getting a social media platform is one of the easiest things you can do for your business account. Always have a motive for why you want to own such a platform, and once you have it get set to go.

Know the target audience you are opening this account for. Is it a Sacco or housing agency that you want to start? Who is your audience, and how will you benefit them? where are they located primarily and how can you approach them on these sites? These are only a few questions you can always try to figure out while solving your social media equations.

After defining your target, set goals for your services and check to see what's selling and what's not. Some items may have to go with seasonal changes in production, which is why you need to keep up with trends. Be able to flex between a wide range of styles as every product is vulnerable to change.

Types of social media marketing platforms

Are you looking for a social platform you can go on to and post your items to get a bunch of reactions from people? Look no more because all of these sites work well as long as you have an active account. Let's look at some of these sites that have proved to be quite valuable to entrepreneurs world-widely.

  • Instagram

 It's a social platform that allows users to post pictures of products and get followers to like, share and comment. You can also buy Ads on the application so that people searching for similar items on the app can look at your profile. Use its algorithms, such as hashtags and tagging to improve visibility to interested parties.

  • Facebook

 Facebook is one of the largest and most famous social media platforms for people. The app positively impacts your business by allowing people from various backgrounds to engage with your work. The world has made it easier with Facebook as you can access it anytime with little internet limitations while on the app. Entrepreneurs such as Neil Patel have come up with talks on improving your business through Facebook marketing that you can look to for inspiration.

  • LinkedIn

 Most business people are turning to LinkedIn to empower job opportunities for those searching. You get a chance to post your work vacancies and people get to apply for and share with others interested. The good thing about this app is that you can view people's detailed profiles for your needed match. You can also advertise with recruitment agencies such as Brighter Monday for better and more authentic results.


To mention a few social media apps, your business brand is at a much better place with these platforms at large. With sites such as Pinterest and Reddit, you can explore more and get massive interaction on your postings. Lift your brand to the next level with these few guidelines and watch your business at its A game.

NOTE:Check out this short YouTube video that summarizes on how you use social to market your business.

Last updated
June 12, 2024
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