Business Tips & Tools — Africa

6 Reasons why businesses in Kenya should consider automation

Business automation is the use of technology to cater to mundane repetitive tasks which are also time consuming with the goal of enabling an organization to focus on high value work

Business automation is the use of technology to cater to mundane repetitive tasks which are also time consuming with the goal of enabling an organization to focus on high value work

Business automation comes in various forms such as:

  1. Basic automation- Involves taking small mundane and repetitive task and automating them. These automations require little to no coding and hold the primary goal of reducing errors and increasing the pace of assigned tasks.
  2. Process automation -Handled primarily by software to create a sense of uniformity and transparency. Their objective tends to be to increase productivity and efficiency.
  3. Advanced automation- involves acquainting humans and machines to integrate multiple processes throughout the organization. It supports more complex automations and aids in knowledge management.
  4. Intelligent automation- Machines learn and utilize that information to make specialized decisions based on that data .

Business automation is very critical for scaling your business and holds a wide range of benefits

Benefits of automation for Kenyan businesses

Easily manage resources

Automating your business helps you save on costs because your resources have been directed in the right places.

Get meaningful insight faster

People can only do so much and as a result getting data is slowed down . However through automation the organization can acquire data in real time, send immediate alerts and notifications and get automated reports.

Free up space for more important tasks

When a business is constantly focusing on small tasks they really do not have the necessary amount of time and energy to focus on what could be revolutionary for their business.

Reduce human errors

Man is to error and can easily overlook some minor or even major components . This can increase the likelihood of causing havoc within the organization.

Improve employee output

Automation allows employees to have an easier time running a variety of processes and as a result , increasing their productivity and efficiency .

Improve customer experience and retention

As an organization acquires real time data about their customer , they can use that information to cater to their customer. In the log run increasing the likelihood of retaining their customers and increasing the overall revenue of the organization.

As Kenyan businesses are becoming more acquainted with the concepts of automation they are deploying systems such as CRMs, Bulk SMS services, USSD and a wide range of integrations which HelloDuty provides so as to stay ahead if their competition.

Last updated
June 12, 2024
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